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Best 5 Tourists Places To Be Explored With a Single Jordan Pass

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There is rarely a country like Jordan. Why so? It is the place where you will definitely find something that your heart admires. This beautiful country is the home to some of the most beguiling ancient architecture, fascinating holy sites, historic cities and fantastic beaches in the world. You can explore all of it with just a Jordan Pass. If you wish to pick only the best destinations included with this pass, this blog can be your saviour.

 Top 5 Tourist Destinations to Visit with a Jordan Pass

You will be happy to know there are as many as 40 different tourist destinations that Jordan Pass covers. But the worst part is most tourists can’t afford that much time to travel across the length and breadth of Jordan. This is why we have picked the most intriguing 10 best places to visit in Jordan. Check out the list and thank us later!


Petra is that one iconic tourist destination that everyone wants to see. This ancient city was carved out of red sandstone which makes it look even more interesting from every angle. This UNESCO World Heritage Site was once the flourishing business hub and buzzing capital of the country.

To enter Petra, you have to pass through a one-kilometre-long gully known as Siq. This passage is not that long but it is more than enough to present the vibrant colours and unusual rock formation of this ancient city in front of you.


After Petra, the most spectacular destination in Jordan has to be Amman. This century-old city is a doorway to a charming old world. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that time moves and stops at Amman with every step you take.


Despite being the capital and largest city in Jordan, Amman never let go of its ancient charisma. Right along the side of sky-kissing modern high-rises, you can spot time-tested ancient edifices there. Pulsating nightlife and open-air marketplaces are something that Amman can boast of for sure.



Jordan allures a large chunk of tourists with its impressive Roman architecture. If you are one of those who wish to behold those giant structures and appreciate their beauty, Jerash is the place you must include in your Jordan vacation.

Jerash features the best-preserved Roman remains in the whole of Jordan. Geresa, the Greco-Roman ruins, are only 50 kilometres far from the main city. Jerash keeps travellers not only with its Roman structures but also with its rolling valleys and imposing hills. So, this place has got more than you have been thinking of it to be.

 Umm Qais

When it comes to surprising travellers, Jordan knows no limit. Umm Qais is one such spot where modern city dwellers can go back in time to experience how it was during medieval times. Located in the northern part of Jordan, the ancient ruins of Umm Qais will certainly evoke a sense of admiration and amazement at the same time.

There is another interesting aspect of visiting this destination included in your Jordan Pass. Umm Qais is also known as Gadara which means the “only green town” in the local language. This place looks nothing short but a gleaming oasis amidst an otherwise barren landscape. Umm Qais is also known for the sweeping views of Lake Tiberias, River Yarmouk and Golan Heights.

 Wadi Rum

When you are in Jordan, how is it even possible to come back home without cherishing its stunning desert landscape? And we are suggesting to you the ‘one and only’ Wadi Rum for the best of its kind experience. As soon as you land yourself here, you will understand how captivating a barren land can be!


Spreading over an area of 74,000 hectares, this land is full of mind-blogging sandstone arches, narrow canyons, staggering cliffs and natural hollow caves. If you wish for more, go for an overnight stay at Wadi Rum. Sleeping under the dark blue sky and watching the shooting stars passing at speed is one of the most enticing experiences you could have in a lifetime.


We have tried to keep this list short and full of variety. All these places can be visited with ease when you get a Jordan Pass Tour operator by your side. Good travel comes with good planning and we are sure a reliable tour operator can do this for you. So, come to Jordan and see how past and present are making peaceful coexistence with each other!